I have made the biggest mistake EVER!!! I had a bill for the wrong apartment number where ZERO kwh of energy went to and I received a $99 bill?!?!! Can you believe that?! I called and after having to escalate the call from the customer support member I spoke to to the supervisor, Sydney, she waived $50 of my fee after I had to argue about how ridiculous this is, and told me that the rest had to be waived by calling Oncor, which was completely false information, she lied. I signed up with infuse energy after moving across the country based solely on price per kwh. Oh, and if you have no idea what your avg monthly electricity usage is? Stay away until you do! ” just take advantage and be one of the minority of their smart customers! Read the fine print of the EFL, understand what you have to do to avoid extra fees, monitor your usage with SmartMeterTexas and for all that's holy buy a smart thermostat like a Nest to guarantee that you never go over 1000 kWh. That being said, if you know this going in. Their entire business model is based on luring people in with the cheap rate promise, and people going *just* over the 1000 kWk limit. Even if most customers were underutilizing the plan and paying an average of 5.6 cents per kWh (using 500 kWh a month), they'd still not be able to operate. Infuse Energy could not stay in business if the majority of their customers were paying 2.8 cents per kWh. The biggest irony is that I love this plan, but that I would never have found it if so many people weren't complaining about being taken advantage of.