Even so, he can be quite stern and fierce when the situation calls for it. He has a tendency to try (and succeed in) making himself look cute, despite his macho appearance, much to the annoyance of his sidekicks.
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Selkie is a confident, kind, and professional individual who prioritizes his hero work and protecting his crew.
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He sports a full body wetsuit as his hero costume, featuring yellow goggles, retractable flippers and a stylized "S" featured on the left shoulder. Values strength and concept of the survival of the fittest.Selkie is a man with a muscular physique, but with the appearance of a humanoid spotted seal that has a gray beard.

Green believes that the best course of action is to simply allow nature to take its course. Green: embodies instincts and independence, seeks harmony through acceptance. Red believes that a person need only look to these things to find one's wishes and desires in life to deny them is to deny one's life of meaning. What makes one laugh, what makes one cry, what one hates, and what one loves, this makes up what a person is. Life is a chance to experience something. Red: embodies the principles of impulse and chaos, seeks freedom through action, but reckless. The essence of Black is to see one's own ego as supremely invaluable.

And whether the weak can see it or not, they are no more than slaves for the powerful. Black looks on the world and sees just a plain reality: Power controls. But Blue sees emotions and personal freedom as a hazard to the controlled world.īlack: embodies parasitism and amorality (though not necessarily immorality) seeks power through ruthlessness. Nurture over Nature, which conflicts it with green. Blue is characterized by the desire to know the world's secrets and to make those possibilities real. White cannot afford to allow the individual much power in its jurisdiction, for the individual inherently holds its own well-being and satisfaction above all else.īlue: embodies logic and technology, seeks perfection through knowledge. To those on the against it, this attitude smacks of fascism, a lack of individuality, and oppression. White does not focus on the individual, but instead on the whole. In White's belief, there is little grey area in morality (as morality is defined, clarified, and guided by rules of ethics) and thus very little room for straying from the path. White's ultimate goal is peace-a world where everyone gets along and no one seeks to disturb the safety and unity that White had worked so long to forge. White puts value on the group, the community, and its civilization as a whole. White: embodies morality and laws, seeks peace through order.