Virtual arkansas
Virtual arkansas

For grades 7-12, Farmington will use Virtual Arkansas for students who want to attend school virtually. These students will receive instruction through the Florida Virtual Academy curriculum. Farmington will use Northwest Arkansas Education Service Cooperative as the provider for students in kindergarten-sixth grade who attend school online next year. These include requests for waivers on attendance, class size, teaching load, six-hour instruction day, recess, clock hours and delivery of instruction. The board also approved the school's request for digital learning waivers for the 2021-22 school year.

virtual arkansas

Masks will be optional at all indoor and outdoor activities sponsored by Arkansas Activities Association, and the district may still require social distancing at events as necessary, the plan states. If both the positive case and the closed contact are wearing their masks appropriately, the close contact will not have to quarantine. Although masks will be optional, contact tracing will continue, in the event there are any positive cases on Farmington campuses, the plan states. According to the School District's end of year covid-19 plan, which will be in effect through May 27, masks will be optional for students and staff. Farmington's Ready for Learning Committee reviewed data, public comments and updated Arkansas Department of Education guidance and agreed to lift the mandatory mask mandate April 27. This plan also is available on the school website. In other news, Superintendent Jon Laffoon updated the board on the district's Ready for Learning plan. Bank National Association will serve as bond trustee. The district received its money from the bond issue at closing May 4. Escrow agent and prepaid trustee fees: $5,905.Cost to retire the bond issue from July 6, 2016: $3,299,159.The school will receive new money in the amount of $9.4 million that will be used for school construction projects at the junior high and two elementary schools. The school will use the construction bonds to pay off two debts, along with fees and other costs. "You obviously did much better than that." Faught broke down the receipt and distribution of money for the board. "When we did the analysis way back probably six months ago, we were conservative during that analysis, we assumed 3.5 percent," Faught said. Faught said Stephens recommended the school accept the lowest bid from Raymond James. Faught said the district received qualified bids from two investment firms, Raymond James for 2.275% and Robert W. is the finance company the board used to procure the bonds. Kevin Faught, senior vice president for public finance at Stephens Inc., attended the April meeting and presented information on the bond issue. Of the total 153 votes (out of 8,946 registered voters), 122 people voted in favor of the proposal and 29 people voted against it. Registered voters in the School District gave their support for the district to restructure debt to issue new bonds for construction projects.

virtual arkansas

The move is the result of a special school election in February.

virtual arkansas

The board voted 3-0 with members Amy Hill and Josh Petree absent. FARMINGTON - The School Board voted to issue $16.9 million in refinancing and construction bonds during its April 26 monthly meeting.

Virtual arkansas